<% '☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ '★ ★ '☆ eWebEditor - eWebSoft在線文本編輯器 ☆ '★ ★ '☆ 版權所有: eWebSoft.com ☆ '★ ★ '☆ 程序制作: eWeb開發(fā)團隊 ☆ '★ email:webmaster@webasp.net ★ '☆ QQ:589808 ☆ '★ ★ '☆ 相關網(wǎng)址: [產(chǎn)品介紹]http://www.eWebSoft.com/Product/eWebEditor/ ☆ '★ [支持論壇]http://bbs.eWebSoft.com/ ★ '☆ ☆ '★ 主頁地址: http://www.eWebSoft.com/ eWebSoft團隊及產(chǎn)品 ★ '☆ http://www.webasp.net/ WEB技術及應用資源網(wǎng)站 ☆ '★ http://bbs.webasp.net/ WEB技術交流論壇 ★ '★ ★ '☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ %> <% ' 初始輸入?yún)?shù) Dim sContentID, sStyleID, sFullScreen Dim sStyleName, sStyleDir, sStyleEditorHeader, sStyleBody, nStateFlag, sDetectFromWord Dim sVersion, sReleaseDate Call InitPara() ' 取所有按鈕 Dim aButtonCode(), aButtonHTML() Call InitButtonArray() ' 取樣式下的工具欄及按鈕 Dim sToolBar Call InitToolBar() ' 斷開數(shù)據(jù)庫連接 Call DBConnEnd() %> 女局长白白嫩嫩大屁股,国产中年熟女高潮大集合


<% If nStateFlag = 1 Then %> <% End If %>
代碼狀態(tài) 預覽狀態(tài)
<% ' 顯示調用錯誤提示 Sub ShowErr(str) Call DBConnEnd() Response.Write "調用錯誤:" & str Response.End End Sub ' 初始化輸入?yún)?shù) Sub InitPara() ' 取全屏標志 sFullScreen = Trim(Request.QueryString("fullscreen")) ' 取對應的內容ID sContentID = Trim(Request.QueryString("id")) If sContentID = "" Then ShowErr "請傳入調用參數(shù)ID,即隱藏的內容表單項ID!" ' 取樣式初始值 sStyleName = Trim(Request.QueryString("style")) If sStyleName = "" Then sStyleName = "standard" sSql = "select * from ewebeditor_style where s_name='" & sStyleName & "'" oRs.Open sSql, oConn, 0, 1 If Not oRs.Eof Then sStyleID = oRs("S_ID") sStyleName = oRs("S_Name") sStyleDir = oRs("S_Dir") sStyleEditorHeader = oRs("S_EditorHeader") sStyleBody = oRs("S_Body") nStateFlag = oRs("S_StateFlag") sDetectFromWord = oRs("S_DetectFromWord") Else ShowErr "無效的樣式Style參數(shù)傳入,如果要使用默認值,請留空!" End If oRs.Close ' 取版本號及發(fā)布日期 sSql = "select sys_version,sys_releasedate from ewebeditor_system" oRs.Open sSql, oConn, 0, 1 sVersion = oRs(0) sReleaseDate = oRs(1) oRs.Close End Sub ' 初始化按鈕數(shù)組 Sub InitButtonArray() Dim i sSql = "select * from ewebeditor_button order by b_order asc" oRs.Open sSql, oConn, 0, 1 i = 0 Do While Not oRs.Eof i = i + 1 Redim Preserve aButtonCode(i) Redim Preserve aButtonHTML(i) aButtonCode(i) = oRs("B_Code") Select Case oRs("B_Type") Case 0 aButtonHTML(i) = "
" Case 1 aButtonHTML(i) = "" Case 2 aButtonHTML(i) = "
" & oRs("B_HTML") & "
" End Select oRs.MoveNext Loop oRs.Close End Sub ' 由按鈕代碼得到按鈕的最終輸出 Function Code2HTML(s_Code) Dim i Code2HTML = "" For i = 1 To UBound(aButtonCode) If UCase(aButtonCode(i)) = UCase(s_Code) Then Code2HTML = aButtonHTML(i) Exit Function End If Next End Function ' 初始化工具欄 Sub InitToolBar() Dim aButton, n sSql = "select t_button from ewebeditor_toolbar where s_id=" & sStyleID & " order by t_order asc" oRs.Open sSql, oConn, 0, 1 If Not oRs.Eof Then sToolBar = "" Do While Not oRs.Eof sToolBar = sToolBar & "" oRs.MoveNext Loop sToolBar = sToolBar & "
" aButton = Split(oRs("T_Button"), "|") For n = 0 To UBound(aButton) If sFullScreen = "1" And UCase(aButton(n)) = "MAXIMIZE" Then aButton(n) = "Minimize" End If sToolBar = sToolBar & Code2HTML(aButton(n)) Next sToolBar = sToolBar & "
" Else ShowErr "對應樣式?jīng)]有設置工具欄!" End If oRs.Close End Sub %>